Photo courtesy of Genis Melendez-Delaney
The primary focus of FoPL (the Friends of Prospect Lake) is the management and control of invasive and nuisance weeds in the lake’s waters. There aren’t any weeds in the winter, so the Friends attend to things that make action in the summer possible.
We continue to explore options for weed control with SOLitude, the lake management consulting firm we have hired. We check with them to see if any new approaches have surfaced in the field. We discuss scheduling, the best times for surveying the lake, the aim being to pin down where the weeds are, how dense and what kind they are. We’ll put together a plan for dealing with what the survey shows, the best time to treat, when to do the followup. Treatments usually focus on about 18 of the lake’s 55 acres.
Believe it or not, the storage sheds where we gather items to be sold in FOPL’s summer tag sale are already starting to fill up. So every once in a while we move stuff around to make room, to organize items, to discard things we know won’t sell. If you are interested in helping with the tag sale, get in touch with Marj Wexler (528-3726) or Genis Melendez-Delaney (528-6857.)
We plan dates: our tag sale is set for Aug. 22-23, our annual General Meeting for mid-July, our membership drive in April. We do some initial massaging of the data needed for that last item, start to think about upcoming Board vacancies.
In short, even though it’s the “off season,” FOPL stays busy getting ready for the summer.
AND PLEASE NOTE -- the lake now has its own web site. Please be sure to visit
where you will find a gallery of lake pictures and artwork from olden days up to the present, a blog of news and views about the lake, statements of the mission and goals of the Friends of Prospect Lake, our programs and contact info, and ways you can join in the work on the lake if you are so inclined. We definitely welcome new brains and eyes and muscle.